Construction Safety Common Sense - Construction Safety Scaffolding
1, what is the role of the scaffold bracing?
A: to prevent the scaffold longitudinal deformation, enhance the overall stiffness of scaffold.
2, the outer edge of the scaffold has an electric lines that safety regulations?
A: it is strictly prohibited in an electric circuit - side erection of scaffolding of ramps up and down.
3, can the hand connect with the discharging scaffolding planks platform?
A: no, should be independent setting unloading platform.
4, what steel pipes are not allowed to be used for scaffolding?
A: corroded seriously, flattening, bending, crack of stainless steel pipe.
5, what kind of fasteners shall not be used?
A: every crack, deformation, shrinkage, sliding wire shall be used.
6, what should be hung on the discharging platform sign?
Answer: the limit load of the sign.
7, door type scaffold erection height should not be commonly more than how many meters?
A: not more than 45 meters.
8, hanging blue frame bearing steel wire rope and safety insurance extension when using wire rope, the rope card shall be not less than three, is this sentence correct?
A: not correct, because these two kinds of steel wire rope are not after long use.
9, integral hoisting frame in lift how security requirements?
A: when lifting frame body standing people are strictly prohibited.
10 and overall hoist the main safety device?
Answer: the falling prevention device and the overturning device.
11, hanging basket scaffold must be equipped with safety protection device?
Answer: the safety brake, limit, lock, prevent tilting device, overload protection device such as steel gavalnized catwalk.
What are the requirements of balancing hanging basket scaffold?
Answer: (1) of the hanging basket hanging body or roof car must be configured with the appropriate weight;(2) the weight should be accurate, firmly installed on match point, and should be stipulated in the pattern configuration enough quality weight.