6 Tips You Have to Remember When Erecting Scaffolding System
1. Began to take to set up the rod, should every 6 cross set 1 root shore, until a stable after installation, the wall shall be removed depending on the situation.
2. Even the walls with rigid connection, with iron expansion tube fixed on the concrete column, beam, even the wall floor or the arrangement of diamond, start from the first step in the bottom longitudinal bar settings, there is even a wall when connected to a point in the construction of the set-up of the stud out here, in longitudinal rod, lateral horizontal pole, should immediately set even a wall.
3. The adjacent stud docking fastener shall not be in the same height, the top of the vertical rod should be higher than the ping 1 meter on the wall over the galvanized corrugated steel sheet.
4. The scaffold must be set sweeping bar, longitudinal rod sweeps the floor should be right-angle fastener from the base is not more than 200 mm in the vertical pole.
5. Set-up should be circle around to the longitudinal bar, with a right-angle fastener rod fixed with internal and external Angle. Longitudinal rod should be installed in the upright medial, length should not be less than 3 across. Longitudinal rod extension using docking fastener. Docking fastener staggered, adjacent level rod joint in sync with cross unfavorable setting. Docking fastener openings should be facing up.
6. Bracing should be with the upright, longitudinal rod, such as synchronization, authors, each diagonal bottom must be supported on a plate. Bridging across poling seven, the diagonal Angle with the ground on a 45 degree, scaffolding planks bracing set 7 group, positive side set up three groups bracing, a total of 20 groups. Bracing tube extension by the method of lap, lap length not less than 1 m, using three rotating fastener fixed, the edge of the end fastener cover plate to the rod end distance is not less than 100 mm.