> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Why Use Mobile Scaffolding Instead of Ringlock Scaffolding for High Project


In current in the lightweight high strength of structure, standardization of assembly and muti function change development. Base material has evolved into the original wooden and bamboo now I steel and aluminum alloy products. In the erection process to minimize the fastener and bolt to use, as far as possible using the assembly method. Substrate material also gradually uses thin-walled steel and aluminum alloy products.




ringlock scaffolding



Mobile scaffolding as a kind of infrastructure construction, is widely used in all sorts of aiming at the construction site, in the construction of project has played a great supporting role. In construction, the construction of the high-rise building is work more and more, so we will frequently use to mobile scaffolding. In high-rise building is usually more dangerous, so we must follow when set certain safety standards.

A. In high-rise building mobile scaffold, must choose to compare strong scaffolding, before the erection work must be calculated, meet load requirements, shall be carried out in accordance with the construction specifications, when set up for drainage measures.
2. At the time of building must be for a variety of structural measures for highly attention: carried out in accordance with the requirements and bracing node set.

Three. Level is closed: starting from the first step, every step or two step, are laid on scaffolding hand or ringlock scaffolding braket  basketry, when laying scaffolding must be done along the long, joint place must overlap on hold, do not appear short board. When the erection must be near the wall and poling, every four steps laid a layer of blanket bottom has long security.




ringlock scaffolding


4. After the all the scaffold including the ringlock scaffolding erection, shall not be arbitrarily remove steel pipes, fasteners and join point above. If the construction must be removed, then must, with the approval of the head of the site to take effective measures to remove correctly, when a process is completed, shall be immediately restored.

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