> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Steel Tubular Scaffolding?



Construction steel scaffolding chooses different types of general purpose scaffolding and formwork support.




Currently, it is known as the bridge support bracket using scaffolding bowl majority, but also the use of the main door scaffold floor structure construction, scaffolding fastener scaffolding; Mostly, the scaffolding pole vertical distance is generally 1.2 ~ 1.8m and the horizontal distance is generally 0.9 ~ 1.5m;


What are the advantages and disadvantages of steel tubular scaffolding is it?


#1 The advantages of steel tubular scaffolding:


1. Higher carrying capacity. When the geometry and construction scaffolding complies with the relevant requirements of the specification. Single-tube column carrying capacity scaffolding up of steel tubular scaffold erection flexible. Because the tube is easy to adjust length;


2. Easy assembly and disassembly. Fastener connection is simple, and thus can be adapted to a variety of flat facades of buildings and structures with scaffolding. A lower investment cost if it is of well-designed scaffolding geometry.


3. More economical. Simple processing. Note turnover increases steel utilization, the amount of information can also achieve better economic results. The fastener steel frame construction steel is equivalent per square meter is about 15 kg.




#2 The disadvantages of steel tubular scaffolding:


1. Easy to rust and corrosion. Steel is a kind of metal easy to be rust and corrosion. With long-time using, steel tubular scaffolding is easy to be rusted and corrosive. Thus making the weak structure of steel tubular scaffolding.


2. Parts and components' deformation. Steel tubular scaffolding mainly uses scaffolding coupler and scaffolding tube to form the structure.  While the tubular scaffolding coupler is easy to deform. Regular parts replacement is needed. And it will cause a safety hazard to the workers and passersby. 




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