We have to take measures when the scaffold products have been rustic
What measures shall we have to take when the scaffold products have been corrupted: architecture products, the use of scaffolding is very common, they are often seen in the building or structure, which is also used in the stage architecture, regardless of what kind of
architecture, we should pay attention to , storage bad this scaffold, they will be the situation of corruption.
It is understood to be corrupt after the scaffolding which will be too fragile, especially metal materials which, sturdy performance will lost, especially after the rust scaffolding which appears extremely fragile situation, as long as a hit, there is breakage that may occur. In
addition, the performance will be missing, resulting in unnecessary trouble. So, when this scaffold has been corrupted, we do not use them, the best way is to replace scaffold products.
In summary, when our scaffolding were corrupted, we shall not use this product, making its replacement by a new scaffolding, will facilitate the use of their safety and effectiveness.