> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Suggestions on how to choose the appropriate scaffolding plan.


For the high rise building for commercial and residential purpose which has irregular external shape and structure, the appropriate

scaffolding kinds shall can be both the floor scaffolding kinds and the multi-leveled cantilevered diagonal scaffoldings with steel plank for


scaffolding planks

1. For this two scaffolding types, the floor scaffolding kind is easy to build, safe to operate, reliable in the stability. However, it needs large amount of materials to turnover. Moreover, there are large investments in the steel tubes and couplers and the cost is relatively high.

2. For the multi level cantilevered diagonal scaffoldings, as the upper level of the scaffolding will be erected upon the lower side of the scaffolding which need not to be dismantled in advance so the overall safety can be assured.

3. Due to multi-levels of I shape beams are set in the building, there are less needs of steel tubes, the couplers in the whole construction process. What’s more, the I shape steel cantilevered beam can be re-used in the erection of the upper external frames and the following constructions after the beams have been dismantled.

 scaffolding plank

Analysis from the factors mentioned above, for the lower level of the building, use the floor scaffolding and for the higher stories, use the cantilevered diagonal scaffoldings to make the best solutions. 

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