Security Technical Measures For Dismantling Of Frame Scaffold
(1) the scaffold should be ready before dismantling buildings on the surface of the product protection, debris and rubbish on the scaffold should be cleaned up, and has been careful scaffolding demolition scheme, safety technical disclosure to the relevant staff. Be alert and relevant.
(2) the removal sequence of the scaffolding scaffold is exactly the opposite of that of the setting sequence, i.e. the top down, the rear loading is removed, first installed and then removed, gradually carried out.
(3) from the top of frame scaffolding began dismantling, since the first began dismantling scaffolding end at the top of the armrest and baluster, to dismantle the pedals (or level), in turn, demolition of escalators, cross bar, door frame, take out the core. When the scaffold is removed, the scaffold is removed until the base is removed.
(4) the connecting rod between the scaffold and the building shall not be removed in advance.
(5) when the connecting parts are removed, the locking plates and the locking plates on the pins shall be placed in the open position, not hard to pull, and the parts shall not be damaged.
(6) the removal of the door frame and other parts should be carried down carefully. No throwing.