Scaffolding Plank- The Important Role In Avoiding Fire Accident
According to statistics, the fire that happened in the high-rise building construction accounts for more than 85% of the high-rise building fire, such as the Shanghai world financial center fire, CCTV building in Beijing, Harbin, 360 fires and frequent scaffolding fire accident, the market now is mostly caused by the outer walls of the building under construction scaffolding fire.
In recent years, with the continuous development of high-rise buildings, the scaffold types of buildings have been constantly innovating, but the steel plank has remained largely unchanged. Due to the low price and the deep-seated traditional habits, the steel plank has been very slow, and there are quite a few sites in the market that still use bamboo springboards. During the construction of the building, full of scaffolding, completely surrounded by the whole building, the enclosed environment created a very good condition for the fire hazard.
While the flammability of bamboo (wood) plank is responsible for the fire, a cigarette end can cause a devastating fire accident. How to prevent fire effectively? Over 10 years of successful experience in foreign countries, tuo group has taught us that the replacement of steel springboard can greatly reduce the risk of scaffolding fire and greatly reduce fire accidents.
The physical properties of hot-galvanizing steel scaffolding plank determine its fire resistance. Hot dip galvanizing process: finished pickling - wash - add - - drying. The surface of steel board is attached to the zinc layer, which can serve as the purpose of anticorrosive and anti-corrosive fire protection.