How To Choose High Quality Scaffolding Plank
The scaffold steel plank is also called steel board, which is used for scaffold paving. Early, the domestic scaffolding pedal use bamboo wooden pedal or wire mesh, but with the long using both repetitive defects, and in the construction of modern architecture is more and more insecure, appear directly replace the traditional steel pedal pedal products.
How to choose high quality scaffolding plank steel products is a very important link, the stand or fall of steel pedals directly affects the use effect, the following yuan billiton pedal steel manufacturers to teach you choose steel scaffolding plank should pay attention to three points.
1: look at the raw materials of steel scaffolding plank: product quality directly affects the quality of raw materials, different steel production of steel materials is different, the hardness of small steel mills and big steel mills steel have substaintial distinction, small steel plank with a few months will craze, this for the service life of steel scaffolding plank as a whole is special.
2: look at the plate thickness of the steel scaffolding plank: the thickness of the steel scaffolding plank material determines its service life, and the thicker the material is, the shorter it is. Often have low steel pedals on market sales, in the face of this product, we must notice the product thickness, average 1.2 mm thick steel scaffolding plank use fixed number of year in three years or so, and the normal use fixed number of year of 1.5 mm in five years. If the working period is short or does not require long time use can choose 1.2mm product, otherwise, chooses the material thick.
3: look at the process of the steel scaffolding plank: the process of the steel scaffolding plank has a great influence on the strength of the steel board.The steel scaffolding plank adopts hot-galvanizing carbon strip steel, and the patent strengthens the design of the steel, which increases the bearing capacity of the steel scaffolding plank and helps the surface area drain. Patented external flip punch design, anti-slip weight loss.