> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Pool and wall plastering scaffolding should be fully calculated


Slide Lift Formwork reinforced concrete chimney. Flashlight , water tower silo body can not use re-calculation scaffolding. The level of protective frame and vertical protective frame mean other than a separate erection of scaffolding for vehicular access , walkways , street construction and other objects of protection and isolation protection.

scaffolding planks


Chimney scaffold combines the vertical transport planes, ramps , cable wind rope, anchors , etc.

External scaffolding combines both fixed feeding platform , guard railing . External scaffolding single row, double take given according to the following rules :

masonry height of 15m or less calculated by a single row of scaffolding ; height of 15m above the masonry or masonry , although insufficient height 15m, but the external walls of windows and decorative covering more than 60% , calculated by double scaffolding .

Masonry silo , according to double external scaffolding calculations. Reservoir (oil ) pool wall height exceeds 1.20m, it shall

scaffolding planks

be masonry scaffolding planks calculations. Pool- top pool and wall plaster Full scaffold shall calculate its wall plaster and shall be calculated scaffolding planks.


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