Can the Scaffolding Planks Be Recycled to Use in the Project
Scaffolding planks for building construction is not as long as has the security, also want to have durability. Due to the construction of small or large building, is not can be built overnight, demand for several months or even a year or two talents is gone. But scaffolding planks as construction work using a thing, to walk on it everyday, but also by rain and snow corrosion and sun exposure. If steel board does not have long-lasting durability, so often to replace scaffolding planks data is a very serious waste of capital.
2017-08-20 -
How About the New Type of Ringlock Scaffolding in the Market
Socket type ringlock scaffold connection form of the novel, no longer use cross fasteners, rotating fastener, docking fastener, etc., through the faceplate and bolt is complete, it is different with steel pipe fastener scaffold and its structures, no longer use any tools, fasteners and worker construction simple, easy to be accepted by the workers, and it is no matter from appearance or have a new change from the inside.
2017-08-15 -
The Ways to Tackle Deformation of Ringlock Scaffolding in the Project
Ringlock scaffold in addition to the calculation of bearing parts before use is very important, and it is important how to operate in the process of building can better pay attention to the safety of the operation. Below small make up take a seasoned scaffold structures, personnel is how to build the scaffold. Because the scaffolding structures really do building outside wall, so may call for building is very high, is also a kind of very dangerous aerial work.
2017-08-15 -
Key Points for the Use of Ringlock Scaffolding Safely in the Project
1, the build-up of high-level ringlock scaffolding, adopted by the various materials must meet the quality requirements. 2, high-level ringlock scaffolding foundation must be strong, before the erection of the computation, meet the requirement of load, and set-up, and according to the construction of drainage measures. 3, ringlock scaffolding, technical requirements should comply with the regulations of relevant specification. 4, must attach great importance to all kinds of structural measures: bridging, node, etc. Shall be set up according to the requirement.
2017-08-14 -
Highly Satisfied for the Customers Who Buy the Ringlock Scaffolding Products
From several aspects to ensure that its structure invariance and security. Application of ringlock scaffold where to begin? May have a lot of users for this kind of construction scaffolding operation is not the length of the application of professional, safe way, and build requirements regarding its application such as length are not often grasp. Below about ringlock scaffold application operation means. To supply you with structure function reliable ringlock scaffold, the company supplies the construction scaffolding structure reasonable, carrying capacity is strong,
2017-08-13 -
Strict Control on the Producing Quality of Ringlock Scaffolding
Ringlock scaffolding level straight plug length should be not less than 100 mm, stretched length should not be less than 40 mm, side should with contact poling steel tube surface formed a good surface. Ringlock what is the function of scaffold and use, we need to know is a problem, because this product is either in industrial or in our lives has a very important role, has brought many benefits for us, so we are going to have some natural fully understanding, so as to better put into use.
2017-08-10 -
What Are the Common Problems You Might See in the Scaffolding Products
Design (1) to heavy scaffold should have a clear understanding, generally, if the thickness of the floor more than 300 mm, should consider the design according to the heavy scaffolding, scaffolding load more than 15 kN/was, the design should organize expert argumentation. To separate the parts of the steel tube length changes on the bearing, support for template should be considered: the
2017-08-10 -
The Calculation of Building Volume and Cost for the Scaffolding
A, scaffolding using range Construction area of calculation in accordance with the rules commonly, can calculate the construction area of industrial and civil construction projects, shall be implemented by all the composite scaffold quota project. Second, the project including the content of the scaffold quota Scaffolding quota in the project, including the foundation of the building, the exterior masonry, pouring concrete, component assembly, the height is 3.6 m above the metope whitewash use
2017-08-09 -
What Are the Other Relevant Provisions of Scaffolding in the Market
1, building scaffolding, height: the natural outdoor floor to the roof eaves wall surface (or daughter) crest elevation. 2, the height of the building: the bottom or middle tier, this layer design indoor ground to the upper ground elevation; The top since this layer design indoor ground to the top of the roof plate height. 3, vertical protective frame, according to the natural ground level ground to the top layer bar positioned between the height, multiplied by the actual erection of calculate with square metre length. With the help of outside scaffolding, calculated at 50%;Set-up, separately calculated at
2017-08-09 -
Several Tips on How to Use the Scaffolding Safely in the Project
Japan has begun a large number of applications in 50 s fastener type steel pipe scaffold, to 50 s, fastener type steel pipe scaffold are dominant, due to the ongoing casualty accidents, it was reported in casualties of up to 2856 people a year, therefore, the safety of the scaffolding problem has drawn great attention of relevant government departments. Early '60 s, due to the convenient operation doors scaffold, bearing performance good, safe and reliable, especially the Labour ministry use make the rules, the safety of the scaffolding doors
2017-08-08 -
What Are the Common Problems in the Scaffolding Application Process
1, the product quality problems Professional scaffolding factory is rarely in our country, many of the steel tube, fastener factory equipment humble, backward production technology, low level of technology, it is difficult to guarantee product quality. At present mostly steel pipe factory production steel pipe under the wall thickness of 3.0 mm, if the application again after years of construction, steel tube corrosion make wall thickness thinning, the steel tube will be scaffolding safety hidden trouble.
2017-08-08 -
What Are the Requirements to Erect the Scaffolding Tubes in the Project
1, steel fasteners, scaffolding, should be paid attention to in the foundation level solid, and set up base plate, and have reliable drainage measures to prevent the water soak a foundation. 2, according to the situation of rod set up the wall and load size, the commonly used open type double row scaffolding rod. Horizontal spacing generally 1.05 ~ 1.55 m, building scaffolding interval is 1.20 ~ 1.35 m, commonly decoration or building, decoration and scaffolding generally
2017-08-07 -
The Construction Technology and Acceptance Inspection for the Scaffolding
1, technical parameters, including the various technical parameters of steel tube scaffold engineering, specific include: the calculated length, spacing of the steel, steel tube pole spacing in the longitudinal and lateral direction, vertical and lateral horizontal pole spacing, sweeping bar spacing, diagonal to the layout of the bracing and data, such as the wall bar set, and so on. Due to the components of technical parameters are inconsistent, floor type, attached type and cantilever type three kinds, table lists various technical parameters are available, and concise,
2017-08-07 -
How to Check If the Scaffolding Complys with National Project Standard
The construction technology and acceptance inspection 1, technical parameters, including the various technical parameters of steel tube scaffold engineering, specific include: the calculated length, spacing of the steel, steel tube pole spacing in the longitudinal and lateral direction, vertical and lateral horizontal pole spacing, sweeping bar spacing, diagonal to the layout of the bracing and data, such as the wall bar set, and so on.
2017-08-06 -
Scaffolding Tube Standard Used in the Scaffolding Projects on the Site
Steel pipe scaffold Is what we call the fastener type steel pipe scaffolding tube, and bear the load of composed of fasteners and steel pipe scaffold with the racks. Brace: install or pouring concrete in steel structure building, authors such as bearing bracket. And fastener type steel pipe scaffold: in vertical and horizontal direction, by not less than 3 row poling and scissors and horizontal bar, horizontal, vertical bracing the scaffold, fasteners, etc. The