> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Each Ringlock Scaffolding Has the Function of Self Locking


In the process of building construction, must use scaffolding to the massive construction of buildings, the installation of scaffolding must guarantee the sturdiness of the product, and according to the construction of overall size for ringlock scaffolding composite scaffold installation, now widely popular with the construction unit of the scaffold is ringlock scaffold. Ringlock scaffolding specifications can also have a lot of supply construction unit selection.





ringlock scaffolding



Ringlock scaffolding specifications must provide comprehensive, can according to the different combination of architectural specifications for installation, ensure that the scaffold composite installation requirements, making it easier for construction personnel between the scaffold construction work.


Manufacture of this kind of professor manufacturer must know about the size of the scaffold is, ensure the production of different sizes of the scaffold can be installed in any one used in building construction.


Ringlock scaffold is a new type of scaffold, and has reliable two-way self-locking ability: one is the rail and locking function of the stud in connection, mainly by design structure to realize and ensure that reduce the shortcomings of traditional scaffolding by artificial locking, keep the unstable factors minimized;2 it is in the same node multiple rail with the same connection locking form from the traditional dry interlock type into a single independent, each other, all forms of self-locking.




ringlock scaffolding



The traditional scaffold on the same node, when a bar after the lock release, and other rail lever lock will be destroyed.

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