Connection Between the Frame Scaffolding Body and Engineering structure
1. The frame scaffolding structures are generally high, the rack body width in 1.2 meters or so, only form slenderness ratio imbalance. Moreover, structures, it is difficult to ensure vertical bar in vertical.
Eccentric torque, big, increased the proportion of frame scaffolding instability, so erect node to lap together form a whole body and engineering structure, look from actual situation caused deformation, capsized nodes sparsely populated and is one of the main reasons for the artificial when installed in decorating walls, Windows, curtain wall caused chaos to pull down the node.
It seems even the wall pole (nodes) is to ensure a stable, safe and reliable important frame scaffolding structure and measures, not allowed to change or dismantled in the engineering, such as impact engineering should shift, should have the corresponding reinforcement measures, and after implementation, may the shift of the original bar.
2. Pull the design of the node force not less than 10 kn (1000 kg).Even the wall is the design of the node position, should according to the specification requirements, two step across three and three steps two across settings, set in the horizontal bar below about 10 ㎝, away from the master node is not greater than 30 cm frame scaffolding on the vertical bar.
3. The required
(1) the wall should be uniform layout, form can spend row, can also be side by side, preferred to spend.
(2) the wall parts should begin to set from the bottom of the first root longitudinal bar (the first step of large horizontal bar), when the registry settings have difficulty, other reliable measures should be adopted.
(3) a glyph, the ends of the open rack disk scaffold should be set even wall, the wall of a vertical spacing should not be greater than the engineering material layer, not more than 4 m.