> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Check And Acceptance Standard of Ringlock Scaffolding System


1. The ringlock scaffolding foundation, foundation acceptance
1) the ringlock scaffolding foundation and foundation construction, must, according to the height of the ringlock scaffolding erection of site soil conditions calculated in accordance with relevant provisions;
2) ringlock scaffolding whether solid groundwork and foundation;
3) ringlock scaffolding foundation and basis whether level off;


ringlock scaffolding



4) ringlock scaffolding if the water in the foundation and basis.
2. The ringlock scaffolding frame body to acceptance of the drain
1) ringlock scaffolding, space debris removal, level off, and make the drainage unobstructed;
2) drain should be set on the ringlock scaffold outside the outside poling 500 Mimi ~ 680 between Mimi.
3) the breadth of the drain is: 200 350 between Mimi; Depth of: 150 Mimi ~ 300 Mimi between; Ditch sump shall be set up the end of a Mimi (600 x 600 meters by 1200 Mimi) to ensure that the water in the ditch timely elimination;
4) drain flowing width: 300 meters; The mouth width: 180 meters;
5) drain slope as I = 0.5.


3. The ringlock scaffolding plate, acceptance of the tap
1) scaffold for ringlock plate, tap the acceptance is set according to the height of the ringlock scaffolding and bearing;
2) 24 meters below the ringlock plate specification for the scaffold is (width is greater than 200 Mimi, how thick is greater than 50 meters), ensure that every post must be put in the middle of the plate parts, plate area shall not be less than 0.15


ringlock scaffolding


3) more than 24 m bearing disk scaffolding how thick is the bottom plate must go through strict calculation;
4) ringlock scaffolding tap must be placed in the center of the plate area;
5) ringlock scaffolding tap width is greater than 100 Mimi how thick should not be less than 50 meters.

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