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Why Does the Galvanized Frame Scaffolding Have Magnetic Property


Galvanized frame scaffold of magnetic come from? People often think of the magnet adsorption scaffold material, verify its quality and authenticity, not without magnetic absorption, think is good and true; Magnetic suction, is believed to be fake. Actually, this is a very one-sided, not real wrong about it.




frame scaffolding




Frame Scaffolding is used in construction scaffolding, one of the most widely used of the scaffold. Because the frame show "frame" word, so called the frame or gate type scaffold, also known as scaffolding or frame. The scaffold is mainly composed of main frame, horizontal box, cross brace, scaffolding, adjustable base, etc. In 1953, the first successful development portal support scaffold (frame), because it has a simple installation, loading performance is good, safe and reliable use, etc, so the development is very fast.

Galvanized frame scaffold phyletic and various, most often used as decorative tube plate scaffolding are 304 austenite size of material, generally speaking is non-magnetic or weak magnetic, but caused by smelting chemical composition may also appear different magnetic fluctuations or processing status, but it cannot be considered a counterfeit or substandard, what reason is this?


Mentioned above austenite is non-magnetic or weak magnetic, martensite and ferrite is magnetic, due to improper smelting composition segregation or heat treatment, can cause a small amount of martensite in austenitic 304 scaffolding or ferrite organization. In this way, 304 will with weak magnetic scaffolding.




frame scaffolding



Frame scaffolding appropriate uses galvanized processing. Connecting rod, lock arm, adjustable base, adjustable bracket and scaffolding, horizontal plane and the surface of galvanized steel ladder toggle hook should be adopted. Galvanized frame scaffold surface should be smooth, in joint can not have burrs, drops of tumor and excess agglomerate. The frame and accessories not galvanized surface should be brush, spray, or abuse coating antirust paint.


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