> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

What Risks Are There in the Frame Scaffolding System


The accessories of the product of use fixed number of year for 10 years or so, the surface does not need to maintain and use without any limitations. But higher cost, it is necessary to use the raw materials is more complex.


scaffolding planks

On scaffold falling, falling accident, and the hole edge in the fall and dangling, falling as the main type and collapse due to scaffolding support unstable) account for more than 22% of total accidents). Classifying typical scaffolding accident cases summary and accident cause analysis, combined with field investigation and the analysis of the measured data the worksite accidents may cause, the accident cause recognition and classification of the product description, so as to realize the detail of the galvanized catwalk accident cause analysis.


Study of scaffolding accident model, scaffolding safety accident is mainly divided into two categories: high fall accident, capsized and collapse. To the product safety accident by applying the method of fault tree qualitative and quantitative analysis and evaluation, it is concluded that lead to the possible ways of scaffolding planks accident, thus obtains the size of the occurrence probability of basic events.

For scaffolding safety accidents that may occur failure mode with correlation size sorting, so as to find out the scaffold construction process of safety and reliability of the weak link, and take timely and effective measures for safety control.


scaffolding planks


How to achieve in the process of construction scaffolding accurate evaluation on the overall state security: considering the scaffold frame body components in the process of construction safety status, and the quantitative expression of the frequency of external events, establishing safety influence factors and the scaffold overall safety state of fuzzy and comprehensive relationship, get scaffolding overall safety state evaluation set, and fuzzy pattern recognition is a typical fuzzy evaluation subset, and then judge scaffolding safety status.

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