What is a qualified wooden plank?
Primarily, it must be able to support, without failure, its own weight and at least four times the intended load.
Secondly, when fully loaded, the plank cannot deflect more than 1 ⁄60 of the span. Only very high quality planks are able to meet these performance standards.
Solid-sawn wooden scaffolding planks used as scaffolding planks should have been inspected and graded as “scaffold plank” by an inspector who is certified by a lumber-grading inspection agency.
The inspector looks at the board for grain direction and a lack of the knots and defects that are inherent in lumber. Manufactured planks are also acceptable and are to be used as recommended by the manufacturer.
Manufactured planks are also acceptable and are to be used as recommended by the manufacturer. There is a much more important reason to follow the suggestions on scaffold planking: your workers’ safety.
The only assurance you have that the planks will perform as expected is what you need to know about wood scaffold plank engineered lumber may be your best choice to use either those that have actually been load tested or those that have been visually inspected and graded as scaffold planks.