> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Welded scaffolding with couplers are widely used in 1950s


Japanese use of scaffolding wood scaffolding to the beginning of the 50s -style large-scale application fastening pipe scaffold. In 1953 the United States first developed A frame scaffold , soon Europe also has introduced and developed such a scaffold ,


frame scaffolding


forming a variety of gantry system. In 1955, many Japanese construction companies began to introduce such a gantry scaffolding, but it was the Japanese -style fastener pipe scaffold applications still dominant. Later, due to the type

fastening pipe scaffold accidents continue to occur , according to reports, it had 2856 casualties in a year , so in 1958, after the fastener type pipe scaffold collapse accident occurred again , scaffolding safety is on the agenda , with particular

emphasis on the safety of the scaffolding . Because of their ease door scaffold assembly and disassembly, bearing good performance , safe and reliable, in large quantities in a number of engineering applications.


frame scaffolding


In addition , to accelerate the development and construction of real estate , especially in first-tiercities and the protection of ordinary residential housing construction , will also become an important aspect of steady growth. 

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