> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Tubular Scaffolding Foundation Shall Be Solid and Pressed


Tubular scaffolding should be paid attention to in the foundation level solid, and set up base plate, and have reliable drainage measures to prevent the water soak a foundation.



scaffolding tube




According to the situation of rod set up the wall and load size, the commonly used open type double row scaffolding tube horizontal distance is 1.05 ~ 1.55 m, commonly building scaffolding interval is 1.20 ~ 1.35 m, commonly decoration or building, decoration and scaffolding generally is 1.80 m, poling longitudinal from 1.2 ~ 2.0 m. Which allows the erection 34 ~ 50 m in height. When for single row, poling cross from 1.2 ~ 1.4 m, poling longitudinal from 1.5 ~ 2.0 m. Allow the erection of 24 m in height.


Longitudinal scaffolding tube rod should be installed in the upright medial, should not be less than 3 across its length, longitudinal rod can use docking fastener, lap may be adopted. If fastener docking methods, docking fasteners should be staggered arrangement; If connected by lap, lap length should not be less than 1 m, and shall be equally spaced set three rotating fastener stationary. To current components of mobile scaffolding to stop de-rusting, anti-rust treatment, all humidity larger region (> 75%) coating antirust paint once a year, ordinary should besmear brushes a for two years. Fasteners to oil, bolt should be galvanized anti-rust. All that no conditions galvanized, should wash yourself after each use with kerosene, in coated with antirust oil.




scaffolding tube



The use of mobile scaffold fasteners, nuts, plate, bolt and other small accessories are easily lost, in pitched when spare parts should be timely recovery check, on the removal of acceptance in time, can not throw about on the place.

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