> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Tips for the construction of steel tube floor scaffolding.


Determine the space and location. Measure the space between the wall body and the internal and external tubes and make relevant marks.

scaffolding planks

  • Sort out the location of the standing tubes under the measurement of the straightened rule and use a bamboo to mark out the standing tubes. The backing plates and base plates shall be located on the positioning lines and the backing plate shall be evenly placed without any suspension below.


  • During the construction of the first scaffolding level, set a diagonal brace around the inside of the scaffolding frames and set double around the frame corners. Only dismantlement can be done after the scaffolding in such place has been firmly connected to the tie members of the main frame body. If the operational level of the scaffolding platform board is 2 lifts higher than the tie members, it is suggested to first set up the external line and then the internal line.


  • The ground base of the scaffolding in the project shall be stamped after the refilling of soil and shall be hardened by the concrete whose strength is not lower than C15.

scaffolding planks


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