> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Three ways to transfer working load in the standing tube connection system


(1) docking socket supporting force transmission. That butt up and down the pole, using connecting rods or intubation to ensure docking in good condition;


scaffolding tube



(2) the pin connected to the pin shear force transfer;


(3) connecting the fastener engaging force transmission. That is externally threaded inner tube and the outer (jacket) internal thread engaging force transmission tube. Wherein the pole after two power transmission mode used for adjusting the height required connection.


By way of transfer of the vertical force between the bar and the Pole scaffolding division

(1) against the contact surface friction force transmission. Namely by frictional contact surfaces at the node after pressing reaction force to support the rail loading and pass pole, such as the role of fasteners, bolts through positive pressure on the friction force;


(2) by weld force transmission. Most of the bar and the Pole socket coupling is to use this way, gantry scaffolding tube also belong in this way;


scaffolding tube



(3) direct pressure force transmission. This way is more common in the bar resting on top of the scaffolding pole;

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