> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Three Ways to Deliver Strength Between Scaffolding Tubes


Scaffold for vertical pole and vertical shaft coupling, there are three kinds of force transmission mode:
(1) socket docking handing down force. The poling docking, connecting rod or socket scaffolding tube pipe is used to ensure the docking in good condition;




scaffolding tube


(2) the pin rod connecting pin rod shearing force;
(3) the screw connection of meshing force. The external thread of inner scaffolding tube and outer tube (set) the internal thread of meshing force. Among them after more than two kinds of force transmission way used to regulate the stud connection to the height requirement.

According to the transfer of the vertical force between rail and vertical scaffolding
(1) the contact friction force. That relies on node interface after compaction friction reaction to support rail load and its to the stud, such as the role of the fasteners, created by the positive pressure of tightening bolts friction;

(2) the weld force. Most of the scaffolding tube rail and socket connection is in this way, the door scaffold also belong to this way;
(3) direct pressure force. This way, see more at bar shelved in the vertical bar at the top of the scaffold;
(4) the pin rod shear force. In which vertical pin rod through the cross bar connecting plate and the vertical rod, pin holes to realize connection double shear effect.



scaffolding tube



(1) scaffold dimension standardization.
(2) the reasonable structure, good mechanical performance, make full use of steel strength, high bearing capacity.
(3) easy construction of outfit, high construction efficiency, save work time saving, safe and reliable, and affordable.

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