> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Scaffolding Tube Quality Determined by Scaffolding Strength and Flexibility


Scaffolding tubes must have sufficient strength, durability, and certain elasticity, and effective first keep reliable connection between rail and sleeper. Scaffolding tubes used in construction, to ensure the construction of the quality of the project is completed, in addition, also requires less scaffolding tube system parts, simple device, easy to assemble. Bowl connection is simple, the domestic commonly used scaffolding tubes cast iron production. Thus can adapt to all kinds of plane, elevation of buildings and structures with scaffolding.

Scaffolding tube is composed of two points scaffolding tubes, each points of the scaffolding tube scaffolding tube small end connected to the eyelet bolt, big end with gouges where whole pieces were missing and thrust the scaffolding tube connection, rivet connection that comes between the two points, scaffolding tubes, and rotate in any angle.




scaffolding tube




Scaffolding tubes in the design and use to reduce costs, and because of its own data flange thickness is greater than the thickness of the hollow rivet, thus increased the tensile strength, resistance torque greatly improve the rigidity, compared with the traditional scaffold scaffolding tubes, more safe and reliable, the scaffold scaffolding tube structure strength greatly superior to conservative scaffolding tubes.
Scaffolding tubes substantive characteristics and remarkable progress reduce scaffolding tube parts, reduce costs, and because of its material flange thickness is greater than the thickness of the hollow rivet, thus increased the tensile strength, resistance torque greatly improve the rigidity, compared with the traditional scaffold scaffolding tubes, more safe, reliable, the structure of scaffold scaffolding tubes strength significantly superior to the traditional scaffold scaffolding tubes.





scaffolding tube




Big end with gouges where whole pieces were missing and thrust the scaffolding tube connection, rivet connection that comes between the two points, scaffolding tubes, and rotate in any Angle. Reduce scaffolding tube parts number, scaffolding tubes substantive characteristics and remarkable progress.

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