> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

Patented scaffolding planks with hooks designed by ADTO.


The scaffolding planks with hooks designed by ADTO which have got patents are with special advantages in the real application:

On the one hand, they are fire proof, anti-skidding and anti-erosive. They are also with strong load bearing capacity as there are 

scaffolding planks

horizontal bracing, square bracing and the stair frame to lift up the total supporting ability. The fissure surface of C steel can be covered

by the special fringe box on the planks and the anti-deformity capacity can be strengthened at the same time. There is a space of

500mm in the middle brace which can help to elevate the anti-deformity of the scaffolding planks.

On the other hand, the steel board scaffoldings are with small weight and the fringe box is engraved with company logo of ADTO. The

whole scaffolding planks are endurable in the application with patented pressed holes design which have a life span of more than 5

years. They are easy to maintain and remove as they are light weighted.

scaffolding planks

The patented scaffolding planks have standard concave holes in line with higher anti-skidding performance. The arch design along the

two sides of the planks and the reinforced welding on the bottom of the plates help to make the scaffolding boards much stronger.


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