> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

How to Use the Scaffolding Planks to Make Sure It Can Play to the Full


Steel board, as a kind of indispensable building materials for construction, was widely welcomed, site construction personnel, but also has a lot of attention in the process of using, to ensure the safety of construction personnel, we provide you with some knowledge of safe use, for your reference. ADTO light steel scaffolding planks factory as a professional manufacturer of steel manufacturers to introduce you to steel scaffolding planks use safe sense, your life and convenient production.





scaffolding planks




1 cross support, horizontal plane, scaffolding and connecting rod, lock arm should comply with the provisions of the structure. Two different products, door frame and accessories shall not be mixed in the same steel scaffolding planks.3 cross support, horizontal plane, scaffolding should follow the installation door frame in a timely manner.


Four part of arm lock, hook must is locked. Horizontal reinforcing steel bar, scissors installation shall conform to the requirements of the construction, and the erection of steel scaffolding planks synchronized. After installation, carefully check the stud connection of connecting rod set of rod installation, against the pedal hook rod firmly connected to the shelf. The choice of materials, and strive to achieve general, turnover use, easy to maintain.

Scaffold board plank has a very wide range of application in building, role is very big, play an important role in the development of construction. Scaffolding set-up to correct, to ensure safety. Here are about scaffolding set-up should pay attention to the problem.





scaffolding planks




First of all the choice of scaffolding must conform to the requirements. Before the erection of scaffolding, which must be on the shelf tubes, fasteners, bamboo raft, check, wire rack severe bending tube, fastener severe corrosion, crack, raft and decay can't be used.  

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