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How to reduce the risks of the steel tubular scaffolding with couplers


Take control of the risks and you will reduce the risks to minimum

Design risks.

scaffolding tube

Design the load bearing risk.

The load bearing models o the supporting standing tubes in the coupler scaffolding are force deliverance of the adjustable screw head on the standing tube top and the force deliverance of the right angle couplers connecting the flat tubes and the standing tubes. And the load bearing capacity of the supporting system is much smaller than that of the adjustable screw jacks. To solve this problem, the design shall take the adjustable screw jack to pass the working force to avoid risks caused by the divergence of the torque force when erecting the scaffolding coupler and clamps.

Material parameter risks.

scaffolding coupler

Due to the mistakes when determining the material parameter value, the load bearing capacity will be lowered and reduced by such as the wall thickness to the sectional area of the standing tubes. The neglect of this factor will lead to potential risks. 

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