How to meet connection requirements when erecting scaffolding
A shape, open at both the frame scaffolding ends must be set with wall pieces , even the vertical spacing of the wall pieces should not exceed the ceiling of the building , and not more than 4m. There are two main wall pieces , one is rigid , the
other is flexible , but only flexible pull node structure for load-bearing walls , frame and body height erection within 24m. Other non- load-bearing structure or frame body erection height of more than 24m should be rigid Rachel points.
When the lower part of the scaffolding can not be set with wall pieces or scaffolding erection when height less than 7m can be bracing . Bracing should be adopted through a reliable connection with the scaffolding pole pieces , the angle with
the ground should be between 45 ° ~ 60 °, from the pitch to connect the master node should not exceed 30 cm . After bracing wall pieces set before removal.
Wall pieces or even wall reinforcement rods should be horizontal and perpendicular to the wall set up , with one end of the scaffold can be slightly oblique downward , upward tilt allowed , if you can not set the level should not pull the pull-down .