> ADTO News > What other advantages can you get from the ringlock scaffolding

How to Build the Full Hall Scaffolding In a Best Way


And scaffold construction is an important issue, many construction sites you need to use scaffolding, set-up is also very fastidious but for its professional level and technology, according to the situation of the building itself, such as the height of the building, the width and location, etc., design a reasonable erection scheme, and be able to ensure that the setting out and scaffolding tube is reliable, safe, this set-up personnel is very exquisite technology, therefore, and the scaffold construction schemes shall be treated carefully.




scaffolding tube


The following common construction plan and share with you. A bunch of erect stem from transverse and longitudinal moments are according to 1.4 m, step torque set-up, 1.5 m all poling every step and form a whole and frame. Stud with a sweeping bar, the top of the stud with a vertical and horizontal level GI pipe and horizontal bracing.: an upright direction along the north-south direction every four row set a continuous bracing poling, along the direction of things every two row of poling a continuous bracing.


Horizontal direction: from the top of the vertical bar on the whole area of every step 2 erect a horizontal bracing. Frame body in a horizontal direction every 4 m set a rigid wall pieces. The frame body in an upright direction every 3 m have a rigid wall pieces. Every 4 m set a frame body and building 45;Angle of the wall.


scaffolding tube


The top of the rack body shall be put with scaffolding plank. The erection procedures and requirements: : positioning set base; Vertical and horizontal sweep pole; Vertical rod; Bracing; Even the wall; Pave scaffold board; Safety requirements: (1) sweep the floor must be covered, moment to 20 ㎝ (2) the vertical bar at the top of the vertical and horizontal must set cannot be short of (3) full stud with butt joint, can't lap (4) fasteners twist degree of 40 to kn 

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