How much space is there for the development of the scaffolding planks?
Every kind of the product need time to get into the market and become accepted by the consumers, so doest the scaffolding planks,
which also include the perforated scaffold metal board. The current shortage of the scaffolding plank development is that the workers
are lack of scaffolding plank knowledge and the scaffolding art needs to be perfected to a higher level. For the domestic companies to
develop the scaffolding plank industry, it is essential for them to mock the real construction working environment and site to make
improvement so it can provide the maximized convenience for workers.
The connection between the steel planks and the steel tubes cannot be perfect if it is done by normal couplers. ADTO couplers have
provided the best solutions to meet this requirement to replace the use of steel wires, which makes the construction more energy
consuming and at higher risks.
In terms of the market development, the scaffolding planks with hot dipped galvanized kind mark the market trend. And it will be more
regularized and safer when there are more national policies and market rules coming out to standardize them .