Formwork System: Requirements of A Good Formwork
Good formwork should satisfy the following requirements:
#1 Easy removal
The design of formwork should be such that it can be removed easily with the least amount of hammering. The removal of formwork should cause the least injury to the surface or edges of the concrete.
#2 Economy
As the formwork does not contribute anything to the stability of the finished structure, it should, therefore, be made economical by reducing the cost through proper design and construction.
#3 Strength
The formwork should be strong enough to withstand all loads coming on it, such as a dead load of concrete. and live load during its pouring, compaction, and curing. The loads on formwork should be estimated carefully. The over-estimation of loads result in expensive formwork and the underestimation of loads results in the failure of formwork.
#4 Rigidity
The formwork should rigid (stiff) enough so that deflection is minimum. For visible surfaces in completed the work. the deflection limited to 1/300 of span and for the hidden surface. It is limited to 1/150 of the span. It should be noted that a rigid formwork will be robust and stiff enough to allow repeated use.
#5 Less leakage
The formwork should be so arranged that there is a minimum of leakage through the joints. This is achieved by providing tight joints between adjacent sections of the formwork.
#6 Smooth surface
The surface of the formwork should be smooth, and it should afford easy stripping. This is achieved by applying crude oil or soft soap solution to the inside surface of formwork.
#7 Lightweight
Good formwork should be light-weight. ADTO Aluminum Formwork, manufactured with aluminum alloy, is lighter than traditional steel formwork. It is your best choice to use ADTO Aluminum formwork.
#8 Quality
Good formwork should be of high quality.
#9 Support
Good formwork should have a great performance on supporting.
ADTOMALL is an online market for engineering materials which belongs to ADTO GROUP. ADTO GROUP is the leading formwork manufacturer and supplier based in China. For cheap and high-quality formwork, pls. Feel free to contact us.