Different applications require building scaffolding of difference
Scaffolding means the difference between :
1. Scaffolding project has been integrated within a comprehensive , external scaffolding , ramps , loading platforms, metal
frame paint , peace networks, guard rails , limb and hole peace protective measures, as well as multi-layer construction
storey in within 2.2m technical level , utility room , garage and other scaffolding.
Selected materials combine bamboo , wood, metal and other factors, as marketing expenses lump sum , shall not
approach or erection of different materials and conversion.
2.Scaffolding is required when individual and erection of scaffolding can not be calculated using the project as a construction
3 . Where the industrial and civil construction was the erection of scaffolding, it is the implementation of integrated
fixed scaffold-ing.
4. Vertical extent of protective frame and protective frame , means other than the erection of scaffolding alone for vehicular
access , pedestrian access , construction and other protective measures protective frame .