Application of Cantilevered steel tube scaffold.
The cantilevered steel tube scaffold adopts relatively less materials, been widely used in construction projects to bear small working
load. It is very fast in erection and dismantling this steel tube scaffold and its application in some large construction projects especially
for those complex buildings in the airport can be marked as an ever great success.
As one of the extension construction projects, the Complex Building of Liu Ting Airport, Tsingtao, located to the northeast of passenger
terminal building with a total area of 8304 square kilometers, has six stories made of reinforced steel frame, and the height of the first
and the fourth story is 4.2 meters and 3.9 meters. The height of the rest stories is 3.6 meters.
Why choose the cantilevered steel tube scaffold as the main scaffolding types in the airport project? Because this scaffolding tube
scaffold can offer the highest safety reliability as well as the best economical solution. And for longer tubes and overhanging parts, the
cantilevered scaffolding type will be adopted; for pediments without overhanging parts, the steel tube scaffolding will be used.