Accessories’ Functions of Formwork System
Today, we will show you the accessories of the Formwork System and their functions.
Connects two panels and covers a scalloped edge space where the two panels meet.
Wall End Panel
Covers both edges of the panels which are facing each other.
Holds a wall panel and a wall end panel to be connected.
Connected to the bottom of a wall panel, it is typically 50 mm length, But it can be adjustable by 5 mm.
Wall End Panel Cap
Sustains the weight of concrete while pouring and casting jobs.
Aluminum Support
Connected with a prop head, it sustains the slab during concrete pour and casting.
Deck Panel
Sustains the weight of concrete while pouring and casting jobs to form a slab.
End Beam
Connected with a prop head and a slab corner, it sustains the deck panels.
Beam Slab Soffit Length
Connected with a wall end panel and a beam panel, and a wall panel, It is used to form a door or a window.
Middle Beam
Connected between two prop heads, it sustains slab panels to form the ceiling.
Prop Head
Placed between two middle beams or a middle beam and an end beam, it is the main component that holds beams and support for concrete pour and casting.
Joint Bar
Joints the prop head and a middle beam or an end beam.
Slab Length
Joints a wall panel and a slab panel.
Slab Incorner
Connects a wall panel and an internal slab panel.
Slab Outcorner
Connects a wall panel and an external slab panel.
In order to install a working platform on the scaffolding system, these brackets are fixed on the concrete wall after taking off the wall panels and ties.