About the antirust and Maintenance of the Scaffolding in the Project
Rapid is hard to imagine the development of modern society, not a few years time will widen the very large space of city, city construction has now gradually to the cities surrounding extension, and the future development of China's urbanization is inevitable. In the process of construction of city the construction of these projects are in many workers use scaffolding bit by bit in building and construction, and so the scaffold in the process of the development of the city has played a very important role.
Before we use a lot of time in the engineering construction are wooden scaffolding, but the use of wooden scaffolding effect is not very good, service life is relatively short, at the same time, the use of wooden scaffolding recycling is not easy, so now a lot of our project is to use in the construction of the steel scaffolding tube.
Use of scaffolding tube is very good, but if the steel scaffolding for a long time not to use will also present the situation of poor to oxidation, so the use of such scaffolding also must pay attention to the maintenance of necessary, we will check regularly, for a long time not to use the best way is to carry on the oil seal, but in the process of choosing what kind of product do you want to choose good liquidity, moderate viscosity, can be used to spray, dip, brush and other ways to effectively seal is good, at the same time, the scaffolding also has a lot of kinds, their rust cycle is because the environment temperature, humidity, corrosive components and not the same, the difference between a so in the process of scaffold rust into sex even specific operations.