6 Different Types of Ladders
There are a variety of different ladder configurations with unique features that may enhance your workflow. Here are a few common ladder types to consider.
1. Stepladder
A stepladder is one of the most common ladder types with nearly universal application. It features an upside-down V-shaped self-supporting structure, which means you don't have to prop it against a wall or other structure to use it. Stepladders also fold together for easy transportation.
Common characteristics of a stepladder include:
Height: Non-adjustable length ranges from 4 feet to 20 feet
Structural design: Expanding upside-down "V" shape that is hinged for easy storage
Sides: Two-sided, but only one side is climbable
Capacity: One person only
Ground support: Requires level ground support for all four feet
One benefit of a stepladder's design is that you can set it up almost anywhere with level ground. This versatile capability makes it one of the best multi-use ladders available. If a stepladder provides the right height for your project, it may be a good choice for painting, changing light bulbs, decorating, construction, landscaping and more.
2. Straight Ladders
Also known as single ladders, straight ladders look like one half of a stepladder. As a non-self-supporting ladder, straight ladders require some form of anchor at their topmost section. Straight ladders are portable, but they do not have hinges that can decrease the amount of space they occupy when not in use.
Common characteristics of a straight ladder include:
Height: Non-adjustable length ranges from 4 feet up to 30 feet
Structural design: Two side rails connected with evenly-spaced rungs
Sides: Single climbable side
Capacity: One person only
Ground support: Requires level ground support for two feet
Unlike the straight ladders on wheels you may have seen in lofty libraries, you must descend a common straight ladder before repositioning it. Though straight ladders require a sturdy wall to prop against, their lack of a second side allows you to get closer to that wall than you could with a stepladder. For this reason, straight ladders work well for roofing, construction and exterior maintenance projects like gutter cleaning.
3. Platform Ladders
A platform ladder is a self-supporting ladder with a platform at the top. The ladder's topmost platform typically features a railing on three sides, with the side closest to the rungs open. A platform ladder's design enables you to stand at its highest point, which you typically cannot do with other ladder types.
Common characteristics of a platform ladder include:
Height: Non-adjustable length ranges from 2 feet to 18 feet
Structural design: Features a platform with railings and is hinged for easy storage
Sides: Two-sided, but only one side is climbable
Capacity: One person only
Ground support: Requires level ground support for all four feet
Like a stepladder, a platform ladder's two-sided design enables you to set it up anywhere you have level ground. One advantage a platform ladder has over stepladders is that when you stand on the top, your height adds to the platform ladder's length. These ladders can be great options for projects that require you to stand on a ladder safely for longer periods. Some of these projects may include landscaping, painting, installing hardware in high places, arranging displays, construction and more.
4. Extension Ladders
Much like straight ladders, extension ladders are non-self-supporting ladders with one side. The distinguishing factor in an extension ladder is its adjustable length. Extension ladders use two or three sections on guided tracks to provide additional length as needed. Many ladders feature rope and pulley systems that attach to the adjustable sections to aid in extension.
Common characteristics of an extension ladder include:
Height: Two-section ladders are adjustable from 32 feet to 60 feet. Three-section ladders are adjustable from 60 feet to 72 feet.
Structural design: Two side rails connected with evenly-spaced rungs in addition to two or three adjustable sections
Sides: Single adjustable side
Capacity: One person only
Ground support: Requires level ground support for two feet
The ability to adjust extension ladders makes them a versatile choice for jobs where you need to reach tall heights and have close access to the project point. Some of these projects may include roofing, construction and various maintenance jobs.
5. Trestle Ladders
Also known as double front ladders, trestle ladders are designed to do what most ladders can't —support two people at once. Trestle ladders are self-supporting and portable, so you can set up and use trestle ladders anywhere you have level ground.
Common characteristics of a trestle ladder include:
Height: Non-adjustable length up to 20 feet
Structural design: Hinged for easy storage
Sides: Two climbable sides
Capacity: Up to two people at once
Ground support: Requires level ground support for four feet
Note that bothindividuals must descend a trestle ladder before it can be moved. Because trestle ladders can support two people at once, they may be optimal for projects where you will be working in close proximity with others. This may including painting, multi-person installation or decoration, volunteer service projects and more.
5. Multi-way Ladders
Multi-way ladders often incorporate more than one ladder type into a single, transformable ladder. These ladders usually come as two-sided self-supporting structures with the ability to function as a stepladder, extension ladder, trestle ladder and more. The specific manufacturer and product will determine what kind of capabilities a multi-way ladder has.
Common characteristics of a multi-way ladder include:
Height: Adjustable length from roughly 4 feet to 13 feet
Structural design: Transformable structure with hinges for easy storage
Sides: Typically two-sided
Capacity: One to two people
Ground support: Requires level ground support for all four feet
If you complete a variety of projects with different ladder needs, purchasing a multi-way ladder may be the most convenient and economical choice for you. Scenarios that may warrant multi-way ladders include home renovations, small business maintenance needs, various interior or exterior cleaning projects and more.