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Safety Erection Procedures for Ringlock Scaffolding



A meeting must be held by the scaffolder staff before Ringlock Scaffolding’s erection to have a discussion on scaffolding’s erection procedures. Below is the detailed procedure of erecting Ringlock Scaffolding.



1. Locate appropriate anchors for lifelines. 


2. Then discuss and fill out the required site-specific fall protection plan including rescue procedures.


3. Ensure no other work is being performed directly above where you will be erecting scaffolding.


4. Using base plates/screw jacks standards end frames to ensure adequate sills or pads are used.


5. Connect the end frames with cross braces ensuring the unit is plumb and level.


6. Install scaffolding planks or manufactured new aluminum scaffolding boards.


7. Install the second row of end frames from the scaffolding planks and install cross braces. Install handrails, if required, pigtails and endstops.


8. Ensure adequate safe passage/access to the Ringlock Scaffolding is maintained at all times.


9. The worker on the top section must utilize fall protection equipment. Install the third row of end frames from the new scaffold boards below. Install scaffolding planks or manufactured new scaffold boards from below. Install cross braces, guard rails, pigtails and endstops.



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